Learn about our Body Image Group.

A 5 week group program designed for young adults and professionals wanting to learn tools to break out of the negative body image trap and move towards a peaceful relationship with body and mind. 

What is the Beyond Body Image Group? 

Our eating disorder and body image therapist, Emily Miller, will facilitate a space where participants will receive compassionate support as they explore their relationship with their body. Spots are limited; reserve yours today! This group is currently open to current SSC clients as well as new clients. We welcome you to discuss adding this to your therapy plan with your counselor. 

Why would you want to participate in a Group Program? 

Maybe you’re wondering why on earth you’d join a therapy group focusing on body image – why you’d put yourself in the vulnerable position of talking about your body image struggles with your peers when our relationship with our body can feel like one of the most private things we have... if that describes you, we hear you!

It takes a lot of courage to bring our inner thoughts and fears out into the open, but when we do, it can be such a relieving, connecting, and powerful experience. So many of us feel like we’re the only one struggling with our body – but that’s SO not true! Emily loves leading body image groups because although we can do valuable body image work in individual therapy sessions, clients often get to a point where they say “These new ways of thinking about body image make sense to ME, but it’s so hard to stick with it when it feels like literally no one else is thinking this way.”

Enter: Beyond Body Image Group! With a group, you’ll have built-in supports and partners through this journey.

1) you can feel understoodseen, and validated by others who have similar struggles

2) experiencing compassion for others can help us practice building compassion for ourselves

3) you can gain a sense of community and confidence knowing that you’re not fighting this battle alone – there is strength in numbers!

What will we discuss? 

Where do our ideas and beliefs about our bodies come from?

Body neutrality as an alternative to body positivity.

Why fixation with body image can be so hard to break (and learning concrete ways to build a new relationship with your body).

Mindfulness around the ways in which we think and talk about our bodies.

Learning about Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size.

When and where do we meet?

Participants will attend 5 groups, each 90 minutes long.

*In person:
We will meet at our office located in downtown Clemson at 196 Keowee Trail.

We do not currently have a virtual session scheduled, but if there is interest, we will schedule one ASAP!

How does confidentiality work in a group setting? 

To create a safe environment, this is a closed group, meaning the same participants will participate in the 5 sessions. What's said in group stays in group! Some of you may know or see each other outside of the group. We require each participant to honor each other'sprivacy.​ There will be no more than 10 participants in your group.